Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758)

Family: Pieridae

Genus: Pieris
Species: napi

  • This species is very common one and can be found in a wide variety of habitats where foodplants are available.
  • Eggs are laid singly on young plants usually, from this larva hatch in around 5 days. Larvae prefers to feed on the young leaves, this stage lasting for around 17 days (depending on food availability and temperature). For pupation larva search for a suitable place (usually away from foodplant) on a tree trunk, fences, walls. The pupa is attached by a silken girdle and the cremaster. It is approximately 20mm in length and the species is overwinters in this stage (the second, third or forth generation, depends on altitude).
  • Flight period: the species can be seen in flight from April until October.
  • Hostplant: different Brassicaceae (Cardamine, Nasturtium, Lepidium, Lunaria, Hesperia, Arabis, Sysymbrium, Alliaria, Sinapis, Alyssum, Cheiranthus).
  • photos taken in Romania

Similar species (in Europe): Pieris bryoniae and Pieris segonzaci.

 <i>Pieris napi</i>, female (Romania)

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